Promo Review - Kinder Bueno
Kinder Bueno have teamed up with Banana Republic to offer three £10,000 shopping giveaways, plus the chance to win a £100 shopping spree for every week during the promotion.
An engaging and well designed partnership promotion; simple tweaks could have made this a really memorable experience.
The promotion is built around a website designed to look like a grand entrance to a shopping mall. The site itself is easy and fun to use, driven by the elevator that guides users naturally through the steps of the promotion.
Step 1 – Land on the entrance of the shopping mall
Step 2 – Select one of six themed wardrobes to see if you’ve won a lucky wardrobe, instantly, with £10,000 worth of Banana Republic clothes.
Step 3 – Enter a simple data capture form with your unique code, name and email address.
Step 4 – Find out if you’ve won £10,000 instantly. If you haven’t you are automatically entered into a weekly prize draw.
We really like the idea of creating a shop floor website to bring the campaign to life. Kinder Bueno have got it just right with the minimal entry steps. However we can’t help feel after designing such a great website, the excessive text and discreet call to actions take the shine off of what could be a really sleek campaign.
When a consumer enters a promotion there is only a very short amount of time to captivate their attention, so too much copy describing the steps could deter visitors from taking part.