Gressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckGressingham DuckSupper Club


We’re so excited to have been asked by Gressingham to help with their CRM/email programme! Gressingham is very familiar with CRM emails, with an already large database of subscribers, but it’s time for a new focus and purpose… Enter Activation! The ask was to create an all-encompassing creative ‘wrapper’, something that is going to strengthen the brand proposition to Gressingham’s subscribers using their CRM activities…Oh boy, did we deliver!


The Gressingham Supper Club was formed. 


How it works is simple. Sign up to Gressingham Supper Club to receive monthly emails containing everything from recipe inspiration and fantastic competitions to helpful hints and tips to cook duck like a pro. The Supper Club is centred around exclusivity. So if you’re not signed up, you’re going to miss out! 


The Club also changes with the seasons, with the creative designs as well as content being updated regularly. So far, we’ve had Supper Club refreshes for Christmas, Chinese New year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. (You get the idea!) This helps to ensure that our subscribers stay engaged with the content month after month. 


By looking at personalisation as well as moving and changing the content every month, we’re constantly testing and developing the emails to try and improve our performance. 


By having a more defined and engaging wrapper for Gressingham’s CRM activities, the results deliver themselves….


This is very much an ongoing project, but so far so good. 

We’ve consistently seen open rates hitting 50% and above. And not only that, but at the time of writing this, we’ve also seen the highest click rate so far this past year, at 22%! It’s been great to see our subscribers exploring more of the email content, and enjoying it! 

…Watch this space.