

Koko Dairy Free is a rapidly growing, coconut-based brand operating in the dairy alternatives sector.  Koko were actually the first to launch a coconut milk in 2010 and, alongside a couple of well-known competitors, the brand dominates this section of the rapidly growing dairy alternatives fixture.

Following a recent rebranding project to shift the focus of the brand proposition, we were asked to develop a new brand website to bring the rebrand to life, whilst also being the starting point for a wider digital comms transformation.


In an often bland and scientific category we needed to bring some joy whilst making consumers ‘feel something’ for the Koko brand. By using an upbeat tone and slightly disruptive and playful visual style, we aimed to not take ourselves too seriously!

To inspire people to try Koko, we set out to use our unique brand personality as a platform and to clearly communicate the unique and wonderful taste of the products.

To establish Koko as the authority and ‘king of coconuts’, we also needed to tell a complete end-to-end coconut story – from the farm to the facts.  We know everything you need to know about this truly amazing fruit. But, we need to do this in an interesting and engaging way!

And by analyzing data from the existing Koko, we identified some interesting and actionable key insights around what core audiences wanted from the site, and what content was important for each user type.


We planned the new site around three core pillars –  Taste, Expertise & Heritage, which gave us a solid platform from which to tell our story.

The look and feel of the new website was guided by the new packaging, following the bright, bold illustrative style. Being colorful and playful but also being simple – and not too ‘whizzy’.  Overall, we wanted to balance Information / inspiration and deliver food inspiration to inspire consumers to try and get creative with Koko’s products.

The content was planned to showcase the brand’s history and heritage – capturing the Koko story and really bringing the brand’s expertise to life with a focus on the fun and character-rich stories, as much as the rational ones.  Alongside this, there’s a dedicated area for nutritional information.

And finally, we wanted to encourage engagement within the Koko community by including User generated tools, such as rating recipes, submitting your own and reviewing  products.