Museum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsMuseum of BrandsWebsite


Museum of Brands needed a new website to showcase the unique experience of one of London’s top attractions – encouraging potential visitors to visit.


With so much nostalgia, history and fascinating artefacts, we needed to bring the experience to life with bold content and a rich personality


The new website brings the experience of the Museum to life, giving visitors a fantastic feel for the unique attraction, and entices the user to visit the Museum. The site receives well over 10,000 visits per month.

It’s all here… The brands and packs, posters and ads, fads and fashions, toys and games. Evocative and inspiring, it’s a kaleidoscope of images and iconic brands