Young'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sYoung'sDigital Campaign


In February, Malcolm, the Young’s Cat, landed back on our screens as part of a new £5M campaign. Once again, the campaign features the frustrated fish connoisseur looking for a tasty morsel of Young’s fishy to land in his dishy!

TV and Radio campaign established awareness for the Young’s Gastro range, our brief was to build complementary digital reach and engagement with a high reach creative digital campaign. The digital campaign set out to reinforce the Young’s Gastro range as restaurant quality food that means you can dine out at home.


We know that Gastro makes dinner more of an occasion. Gastro is aimed at the ‘just the two of us occasion’, and insights tell us that frozen food is all about convenience, ease and value. So in buying Gastro consumers are planning a regular dinner, but it’s just a little bit more special.

Customers who purchase from the Young’s Seafood Gastro range are looking for a more premium dinner choice, elevating their dinner. Building from this insight our approach was to highlight the many small things you can do to easily upgrade your dinner time at home – making dinner just that little bit more special!


The campaign helped Young’s Gastro hit a new sales peak!
The 2018 digital campaign has generated a huge amount of interest in the brand with Gastro achieving a new record in the last 52w sales* and double digit growth (12%) in 12wk sales** over the campaign period.

The social campaign has reached almost 4 million consumers (8 million impressions) with Gastro recipe inspiration.

Overall, the campaign has delivered over 3 x increase in website traffic to Gastro range and recipes content over the previous year’s campaign.

This exciting integrated campaign is the biggest campaign we have created to date for Young’s, supporting Young’s ‘biggest-ever’ ad campaign.   The central digital idea has also translated out into an engaging PR idea featuring etiquette expert, William Hanson.

*Young’s Gastro Sales IRI 52 weeks w/e 4th February 2018
**IRI 12 Weeks w/e 4th February 2018