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Using Geo Marketing to Drive Sales

At a time when marketing and activation budgets are under pressure, it can make economic sense to find effective and targeted ways to drive in-store sales.

As highlighted by IRI, (8 trends in FMCG e-commerce), geo marketing pulls in on-the-go consumers or encourages impulse online buying with targeted messages to prompt in-store footfall.

We know geo marketing has wider potential than this - driving awareness and consideration at scale with shoppers in the towns and cities where products are available in certain retailers, at specific times. It’s laser targeting at scale, mass marketing in focused locations, using our proven model for effectiveness.

We’re helping many leading grocery brands use digital and OOH solutions to target the right consumers in the right place, and at the right time.

When to consider Geo Marketing

Limited distribution – e.g. your product or NPD is only listed in a limited number of stores

Limited budget – where it is more effective to be focused target key shopper audiences in proximity to where the product is available (rather than national reach)

Drive rate of sale in a specific retailer – targeting shoppers of a specific retailer in proximity to their stores

Geographical limitation – e.g. your range is only available in one region, or your brand is trying to gain sales in a particular city

Amplifying in store activation – reaching a wider audience in proximity to store with price promotions, shopper activations, and on pack promotions

How it works

  1. Identify locations

    Targeting stores – via store lists, or specific retailers.

    Geographically – regions or specific towns or locations.

  2. Build audiences

    Target consumers when in the locations.

    Build highly targeted, scalable audiences, using the rich targeting capabilities of social targeting.

  3. Social content

    Facebook, Instagram or YouTube content delivered to highly targeted audiences. Create impactful ad creative using video and animation.

    Reach and frequency approach that drives awareness and consideration.

  4. Add context

    When the offer/other in store activations are taking place & include retailer branding cues.

    Overlay time of day, or day of week, seasonal events or weather/temperature campaigns.

  5. Create & deploy

    Create rich media ad content, delivered to key audiences in geo targeted locations – building message frequency over a given period.

Building an end-to-end plan

Our geo marketing approach uses digital and OOH solutions working together to drive activation as close to the point of purchase as possible – with results reported as high as 10:1 ROI.

We believe – more passionately than ever – that consumer activations are most powerful when channels work together in an end-to-end consumer journey.

We develop activations that use a smart mix of ‘digitally-centred’ brand comms, and shopper marketing with in store activation and promotion to drive activation across the shopper journey.